Beledweyne Community

System Size:
120 kW irrigation system for 3 farms
Beled-weyne Community
Beledweyne District, Hiran Region, Somalia

In 2020, the Somali Youth for Peace and Development (SYPD) partnered with Solargen Technologies to implement a transformative solar project in Beledweyne District, located in the Hiran Region of Somalia. The project involved the installation of a 120kW solar irrigation system spread across three farms, aiming to enhance agricultural productivity and uplift the local community.

The solar irrigation system, installed by Solargen Technologies, harnesses renewable energy to power efficient water pumps, enabling sustainable irrigation practices for the farms. This initiative not only addresses the challenges of water scarcity and unreliable electricity supply but also promotes agricultural growth and food security in the region.

By adopting solar technology for irrigation purposes, SYPD demonstrates its commitment to community development and environmental sustainability. The project contributes to enhancing livelihoods, empowering local farmers, and fostering resilience against climate change impacts in Beledweyne District and beyond.

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