Hargeisa, Somaliland 10kw PV-Diesel Hybrid system

Oct 2021
Gebiley Somaliland

In October 2021 solargen implemented 10kw PV-Diesel Hayrid system in gebiley Somaliland this project was designed supplied and installed by solargen technologies

1000 Pcs Portable Solar Light delivered 5 Camps in somaliland
In November 2021 solargen contracted ACTED in 1000 pcs of portable solar light to deliver five different camps in Somaliland .this project improve the sustainable light in Somaliland camps

Waridaad, Installation of solar systems
Solargen was contracted by Oxfam to implement a solar system in waridaad togdheer Region Somaliland. The community had limited access to light due to the prohibitive cost of energy. The system greatly improved lighting system. SolarGen was designed supplied and installed the whole system an gave the community good training for the system

Gar adag, Installation of solar systems
Solargen was contracted by Oxfam to implement a solar system in gar adag togdheer Region Somaliland. The community had limited access to light due to the prohibitive cost of energy. The system greatly improved lighting system. SolarGen was designed supplied and installed the whole system an gave the community good training for the system

Other Projects:   All     Cold Chain     Irrigation     Mini Grid      Off-Grid      Water Pumping      Water Treatment

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